

日期: 5月12日星期日

时报》: 9 a.m. (毕业生),2便士.m. (本科)

地点: 哈特福德市中心的XL中心


Here are 仪式 details and answers to some common questions—spanning multiple topics—to help graduates and guests prepare for 毕业典礼 2024 on 5月12日星期日, 在哈特福德市中心的XL中心.


Before we can celebrate at 毕业典礼, eligible students must complete the steps on the 为毕业做准备 页面,包括 在2月6日前提交学位申请. 9 (迟来的学位申请在此日期之后将被接受, but we are no longer able to ensure late applicants that their name will be listed in the 毕业典礼 program). If you have questions about this process, please reach out to the 司法常务官办公室 at registrar@哈特福德.edu.


9 a.m. 适用于研究生和博士研究生

2 p.m. 本科生

两场毕业典礼都将在周日举行, 5月12日, 在哈特福德市中心的XL中心.


上午的毕业典礼和博士典礼预计将持续约两个小时. 下午的本科典礼预计将持续约三个小时.

请在仪式开始前一小时到达. 在每次仪式前,会进行彻底的清洁和空气流通, so students and guests 不会 be permitted to enter the XL中心 earlier than one hour before their 仪式 begins.

毕业的学生需要携带完整的徽章. We recommend pressing or steaming regalia at home; t在这里 不会 be a place to do so at the XL中心. 您可以带一个装个人物品的小钱包或包. 仪式期间将没有地方存放个人物品.

当你到达时,会有很多标志和XL中心的工作人员引导你. 学生将被带到集结地排队参加典礼, 而客人将直接被引导到观众座位.


我们有很多学生毕业时都有两个(或更多)!)专业. 保持仪式的一致性和及时性, we ask that you walk with the school or college that is granting your degree at the 仪式. 当你在典礼前到达学生报到处时, 去学校那张桌子拿你的名片. 你要排好队,跟着学校走.


Those earning two undergraduate degrees or two graduate degrees may pick the school they would like to walk with at the 仪式. Those earning both a bachelor's and master’s degree may choose to participate in either 仪式—or opt to attend both since they are at different times.     

每个颁奖典礼的直播将于5月12日播出. 直播链接将在我们的 开始页面 和我们的 UHart主页 毕业典礼的早晨.

XL中心附近有很多停车场. 街道停车也可以. Street parking in Hartford is free and without time limitations all day every Saturday and Sunday (excluding holidays). 你可以找到更多立博体育官网停车的立博网站中文版 在这里.


A round-trip shuttle will be available for graduating students and faculty participating in the ceremonies who reserved a spot by the May 6 deadline. 班车将在米勒德圆环的UHart校园接送, 于每次仪式开始前90分钟. 每次结束后,班车将直接返回校园 毕业典礼 仪式. 


Shuttles are only available for graduating students and participating faculty; guests will need to provide their own transportation. XL中心的停车立博网站中文版可在我们的 毕业典礼 常见问题页面.

你可以在这里找到很多立博体育官网当地旅馆、餐馆和酒吧的立博网站中文版 哈特福德.com.

Individuals needing limited mobility or wheelchair-accessible seating for 毕业典礼 should arrive an hour prior to the 仪式 start to allow for plenty of time to find parking and seating. 需要行动协助的客人应将车停在哈特福德21车库位于 哈特福德市中心的庇护街210号. 停车后,乘电梯到一楼,出电梯后右转. 一旦你穿过磁力计, head into the arena and walk to the Guest Services desk to the right of the main entrance behind Section 124. Please let the Guest Services attendant know that you require accessible seating and you will be directed to your seat. ADA seating is for one person and a companion—the XL中心 is unable to accommodate multiple family members in the accessible seating area.

在两场毕业典礼上都会有一名手语翻译. 需要坐在手语翻译旁边的人应该 给毕业典礼委员会发邮件 了解更多立博网站中文版.

参加XL中心活动的客人建议使用大袋子, 背包, 行李, 冷却器, 包裹, 公文包, 这些物品将被严格禁止带入该设施. 所有客人都要接受搜查, 由XL中心决定, of their person and/or possessions (including women's handbags of normal size which may be allowed entry after such search). 客人 with prohibited articles will be turned away at the entrances to return items to their vehicle or dispose of the items. 酒店不提供寄存或“登记区”. 执行将没有例外. 

Graduating students are advised that alcoholic beverages 不会 be allowed in the staging area. Anyone found to have alcohol on their person 不会 be allowed to participate in 毕业典礼 exercises.

看到一个 所有违禁物品清单.

是的. 客人可以购买食品和饮料. 所有优惠都是无现金的.


是的. 鲜花将在现场出售. 如果你愿意,你可以带自己的花来. 不允许使用气球和指示牌.

Graduating students may invite as many guests as they would like to attend their 毕业典礼 ceremonies.


No; audience seating will be on a first-come, first-served basis. 宾客可于典礼开始前一小时到达. 客人 不会 被允许保留座位.

不,参加任何一场毕业典礼都是免费的. 客人将不领取门票,座位将先到先得. 来宾可以免费获得打印好的毕业典礼讲稿.

即将毕业的学生将由专业工作室Grad Images®,with over 40 years of experience understanding the importance of this moment and the desire to preserve memories for a lifetime. 毕业典礼后找到毕业生的照片很容易. 访问 www.gradimages.com to view and purchase custom photo products like prints, plaques, specialty gifts, and more. 校样将在仪式后10天内提供. 你也可以 北语 您的联系立博网站中文版,以收到优惠券代码八折的订单50美元或以上. 如果对你的照片有任何疑问或担忧, 请拨打800联系Grad Images®客户服务部.261.2576,网上查询 www.gradimages.com, or 通过电子邮件. Grad Images® a large team of customer care representatives ready to help graduates and family members with anything they may need.

客人 will need to take any photos from their seats; going closer to the stage or student seating area 不会 be permitted. 请参阅以上有关仪式上专业摄影的立博网站中文版.

哈佛大学主校区将于5月12日对即将毕业的学生和他们的嘉宾开放, 让您在您最喜欢的户外校园地点拍摄毕业照.

在线帽袍订购 2024年5月的毕业典礼已经结束. 如果您没有订购您的徽章,请向 commence@哈特福德.edu.

本科 degree recipients and master's degree recipients will receive custom 立博体育官网 "keeper" gowns, 哪些不需要退货. These gowns with 立博体育官网 seals embroidered in red are manufactured from recycled plastic bottles. Doctoral candidates will receive a custom rental gown with hood that needs to be returned; the tam can be kept. All graduates will be given a degree-specific color tassel with a 立博体育官网 "H." Souvenir red-and-white tassels with the 2024 date may be purchased as an option for $10 each. 符合条件的学生,请参阅以下有关荣誉证书的立博网站中文版.

When ordering regalia, graduates will choose one of two ways to receive their cap and gown:

  • 在校园里取你的徽章. 领取日期将于4月30日至5月1日在校园商店(书店)领取。.
  • Choose to have your regalia shipped to your home (shipping fee will apply as noted below):

授予学士学位 以优等成绩毕业者 on students who have completed a minimum of 60 credits in residence and whose cumulative grade point average is 3.25岁或以上; 优等生 对于那些平均值为3的人.50岁或以上; 优等生, 3.75岁或以上.

If you are an undergraduate student graduating with a bachelor's degree and meet the above criteria, 您有资格用20美元购买一条金牌荣誉卡. 不同的荣誉等级没有不同的荣誉绳.


类环可在上订购 赫弗琼斯网站.


5月份的毕业典礼上都会发放毕业证书外套. Actual diplomas will be mailed to students’ permanent addresses and should be received by early fall. Students who have bursar obligations or additional academic requirements to complete 不会 receive their diplomas until such obligations or requirements have been met. 请检查自助服务中心以确认您没有任何“保留”."

以核实你的学位完成就业, 先进的研究, 或任何其他原因之前收到你的非官方成绩单,电邮至 学校或大学评估员 (如果在5月10日之前)或 电子邮件 commence@哈特福德.edu (五月十日以后). 如果你需要订购正式成绩单,你可以在网上订购 要求成绩单. 订购成绩单时, please make sure you select "Hold for Degree" unless you are certain that the 注册商 has officially awarded your degree (it can take up to two weeks to process). 确认你是否被正式授予学位, go online to 自助服务 and select "Student Academic Records" and then "Unofficial Transcript.如果在授予的学位旁边没有注明日期, 你还没有被教务处正式授予学位.

文凭地址更改需要通过电子邮件发送到 commence@哈特福德.edu. 请不要试图在“自助服务”中更改影响文凭交付的内容.

立博体育官网你的文凭的任何其他问题,请联系注册主任 commence@哈特福德.edu.




我需要订购年鉴吗?No. 所有即将毕业的本科生都将获得一本年鉴, 这些将在秋天被送到他们的永久地址.

老年肖像画将于4月1日至4日上午9点举行.m. 到下午4:30.m. 在根格拉斯学生会,151室. 四月的其他日期可能会根据需要增加. 保留你的 肖像的约会.

如果你有立博体育官网毕业照或年鉴的其他问题, 请与年鉴委员会联络,电邮 yearbook@哈特福德.edu.


如果您的问题没有在我们的FAQ页面得到回答,请发送电子邮件 hawkgrad@哈特福德.edu 寻求帮助.