

The 立博体育官网 prohibits sexual violence and other sexual misconduct, as defined in our Policy on 第九条 性骚扰 and 社区 Standards Sexual Misconduct. Please consult the policy for more detailed definitions.


第九条 性侵犯 includes the following:

  • 渗透, 无论多么微不足道, of the vagina or 肛门 with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the alleged person.
  • 未经被指控的人同意,以性满足为目的触摸另一个人的身体私处.
  • 在法律禁止结婚的范围内,彼此有亲属关系的人发生非强制的性行为.
  • Non-forcible sexual intercourse with a person who is under the statutory age of consent.


暴力, 包括 sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse, committed by a person (a) who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the alleged person; and (b) where the existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on a consideration of the following factors: (i) the length of the relationship, (ii)关系类型, and (iii) the frequency of interaction between the persons involved in the relationship.


暴力 committed by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the alleged person, by a person with whom the alleged person shares a child in common, 与被指控人同居或曾经作为配偶或亲密伴侣同居的人, 根据康涅狄格的家庭或家庭暴力法,与被指控者的配偶地位相似的人, 或任何其他人对成人或青少年的伤害,而根据康涅狄格的家庭暴力法,这些人受到保护,不受其行为的伤害.


从事一种针对特定的人的行为,这种行为会使一个理智的人担心自己或他人的安全, or suffer substantial emotional distress. 就本定义而言, (a) course of conduct means two or more acts, 包括, 但不限于, acts in which the alleged stalker directly, 间接, 或者通过第三方, 通过任何行动, 方法, 设备, 或者意味着, 遵循, 监控, 观察, 监视, 威胁, or communicates to or about a person, or interferes with a person's property; (b) reasonable person means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the person; and (c) substantial emotional distress means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, 但不一定, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling.

Other Sexual Misconduct Constituting a Violation of the Policy


根据康涅狄格法律, 任何不受欢迎的性挑逗或性恩惠的要求或任何性性质的行为,当(1)接受此类行为是个人受雇的明示或暗示的条款或条件, 学术成绩, 工资, 好处, or service; (2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment, 学术评分, or other decisions affecting such individual; or (3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual’s work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, 充满敌意的, or offensive working or learning environment.

根据康涅狄格法律, 在未经同意的情况下,一个人对另一个人的任何身体部位或物体进行有意的性接触,无论多么轻微.

  • Sexual touching includes: Intentional contact with private parts of the body such as the 乳房, 腹股沟, 生殖器, 肛门, 或者另一个人的嘴, or making another touch you or their private parts.


根据康涅狄格法律, relationship violence is a pattern of behavior in a domestic, 亲密关系或约会关系,通过恐惧和恐吓来建立对另一个人的权力和控制. This behavior can be verbal, emotional, or physical. 例子包括, but are not limited to: striking another person, 财产损失, 公开羞辱, 骚扰, 以及口头或身体威胁. 它包括威胁或造成身体伤害或从事威胁或危害他人健康或安全的其他行为. 任何此类行为或任何违反大学社区标准准则的行为将被视为禁止行为,并根据本政策解决,如果它是由亲密伴侣引起的, dating or domestic relationship (even if such relationship has ended). 大学将评估关系的存在,考虑到关系的长短等因素, 关系的类型, and the frequency of interaction between the individuals involved in the relationship.

Taking advantage of a person due to their sex or gender identity for personal gain or gratification, such as abuse of a position of vulnerability, 微分功率, 或者出于性目的的信任. 例子包括, but are not limited to:

  • 记录, 拍摄, 传播, or posting images of private sexual activity or a person’s intimate parts (such as genitalia, 腹股沟, 乳房, or buttocks) without consent; o Threatening to disseminate sensitive personal material of a sexual nature (e.g. photos, videos) by any means to any person or entity without consent;
  • Allowing third parties to observe private sexual activity from a hidden location without consent (e.g., closet) or through electronic means (e.g., Skype or livestreaming of images);
  • Stealing articles of clothing for personal sexual gain or satisfaction;
  • 控制避孕措施;
  • 偷窥或偷窥;
  • 使他人卖淫的;
  • Intentionally or 知道ly exposing another person to a sexually transmitted infection or virus without the other’s knowledge; or
  • Possessing, distributing, viewing or forcing others to view illegal pornography.

教师, 管理员, 教练, and other employees must avoid and refrain from romantic or sexual relationships, 即使是双方自愿的, 和他们所教的学生, 建议, or supervise (or whom they may teach or supervise in the future). 师徒关系, 顾问, 或者,必须保护导师和学生免受可能干扰学习和个人发展的影响或活动. In addition to creating the potential for coercion, 任何这样的关系都会造成实际的或潜在的利益冲突,从而危害教育过程的完整性,并可能损害其他学生的教育环境. 对这项政策有疑问的员工或学生,建议咨询大学的第九条协调员或副手.


  • Sex offenses (other than those listed above) under applicable federal and state law;
  • 性别被欺侮;
  • Assisting another person in committing Prohibited Conduct;
  • Gender-based threats or actions which inflict physical injury or emotional distress on others;
  • Gender-based acts injurious or creating a risk of injury to a person under the age of 18.


同意被定义为主动, 知道, 自愿交换肯定的言语和/或行动,表明并有效地传达参与特定性活动的意愿. 发起者有责任在性行为的每个阶段获得明确和肯定的回应.

  • In order to give consent, a person must be of the legal age of consent. Under most circumstances, the age of consent in Connecticut is 16.
  • Consent must be freely and actively given.
  • Silence, the lack of resistance, or the lack of a negative response is not consent.
  • A person who is incapacitated by alcohol and/or drugs, whether voluntarily or involuntarily consumed, 不能给予同意.
  • A person who is a睡眠 不能给予同意.
  • 同意一种形式的性活动并不意味着同意另一种形式的性活动.
  • Neither past consent nor a past relationship indicates current or future consent.
  • 同意与一个人进行性活动并不意味着同意与另一个人进行性活动.
  • Consent can be withdrawn at any time; and
  • 强迫, force, or threat of either invalidates consent.

Consent must be freely and meaningfully given. 如果需要同意的人是无行为能力的人,就不能自由和有意义地给予同意, or if the consent is obtained by means of force or coercion.


使无能力 is a state where someone cannot make rational, reasonable decisions due to a lack of capacity to give 知道 consent, (i.e., to understand the “who, what, when, where, why, and how” of sexual interaction).

  • 与精神上或身体上无行为能力的人发生性行为,或根据情况合理地知道的人发生性行为.e., 通过酒精或其他药物的使用, 无意识, or blackout) constitutes a violation of this Sexual 暴力 Policy.
  • A person whose incapacity results from mental disability, 睡眠, 非自愿身体约束, or from the consumption (voluntary or otherwise) of incapacitating drugs 不能给予同意.
  • 酒精相关的残疾是由酒精摄入水平比损害更严重造成的, 受影响, 醉酒或醉酒.

力 is the use of physical violence and/or imposing on someone physically to gain sexual access.

强迫 is unreasonable pressure for sexual activity, 包括 without limitation the use of threats, 恐吓, or emotional manipulation to persuade someone to do something they may not want to do, such as being sexual or performing certain sexual acts. 被强迫发生性行为或进行性行为不是自愿的性行为,被认为是性行为不端.